And I am the sole trader at Radical Greens.
With my website launching, I thought it would be a good time to introduce myself.
My life has always been better out of doors.
Growing up in the Uinta mountains of Utah, I frequently camped with my family. Our father was an avid Scoutmaster, and a university professor of recreation management and youth leadership. He always saved animals in need and we frequently cared for baby squirrels, birds, rabbits and kittens. He taught us the beauty of nature, and we learned basic astronomy using his telescope. Dad always took time to slow down and show us the wonder of the outdoors.
At age 17, I was a Young Walker at Anasazi and spent 6 straight weeks in the wilderness, camping survival style. We were given rations, a sleeping bag, and a knife, and that was about it. We had to hike to water every day and clean the water using drops of chlorine. Every night we slept on the ground, with no mats, just army sleeping bags, underneath the stars. That’s right, we didn’t even have tents. If it rained, we all had a waterproof canvas tarp to make use of. All of this might sound pretty harsh, and it was, but all it did was solidify my love affair with nature.
In my 20s, I worked on commercial cannabis farms, mostly trimming but experiencing every stage of growing. This, plus working at Christopher’s Herbs and studying herbalism, began my love affair with plants. I began to study the benefits of medicinal plants, and have come to the conclusion that while all plants are amazing, it all starts with our food!
Thus, here we are. I have a micro homestead in Meeanjin (Brisbane, Australia.) While it’s small, it is a working homestead, and I produce a lot of our fresh vegetables myself.
My two children and my partner are my world, and my homestead reflects my deep rooted need for health and food security.
Born in the US, I am ethnically Croatian. My nona was a member of the Croatian Partisans, and she risked her life for the freedoms of herself and her country. She was raised on a farm in Istria, where she told me she would spend her days in the hills, tending the goats and foraging for dandelions and purslane. I am fiercely proud of my heritage, and when I am in the garden and the kitchen, I can feel my nona’s hands guiding me to do what I already know how to do.
Growing high quality, nutrient dense food, and living in the beautiful outdoors is a part of my very nature, and I look forward to seeing you on my journey.